5 sites to deploy your  React app for free

5 sites to deploy your React app for free

You're finally done building your hobby project in react and you wanna show it to the world. The process of deploying web apps build using frameworks such as react, angular and vue is a little different to vanilla html, css and js sites. You're gonna need a provider that supports installment of dependencies but chances are you're not willing to spend money of a practice or hobby site. These sites will let you upload your site for free.

1. Vercel

Vercel is a serverless deployment service designed for React, Angular, Vue, etc. You can easily import projects from Github, GitLab or Bitbucket. It also supports free automatic SSL.

2. Firebase

Firebase is an entire platform that you can use to develop and scale your application. It also offers authentication, Cloud Firestore, cloud functions etc.

3. Netlify

Netlify is probably one of the most popular services. You can easily import projects from GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket and allows for continuous deployment. It supports setting up of custom domains and offers free automatic SSL.

4. Github Pages

GitHub Pages is one of the fastest and most widely used methods for beginners to deploy websites. It’s easier to maintain and with GitHub actions you can trigger automatic deployments, configure CI/CD, and much more.

5. Heroku

Heroku is a cloud application platform that supports a variety of frameworks. You can easily import your project from any git repository and it also supports automatic and continuous deployments.